

Ubud, set amongst beautiful scenery, abounds with art galleries and studios. European painters settled here in the 1930s and again in the 1960s and had profound effect on the traditional artistic style. Music and dance troupes also perform here.


Namo Karang objek wisata yang terletak di Kidupen kecamatan juhar kabupaten karo selain tempat permandian air jernih pengujung juga disuguhi pemandangan sawah yang luas nan indah


Taman simalem Sumatra utara di perbukitan Danau toba selain udara segar juga menawarkan beragam kegiatan dan akomodasi mulai dari perkemahan sampai penginapan sekelas bintang 5 dengan pemandangan danau yang luas.


selain memberi kesegaran permandian ini juga menyembuhkan penyakit kulit serta sering dibuat sebagai pengganti mandi sauna dikarenakan air nya mengandung belerang


Kota Berastagi di kabupaten karo memiliki nilai eksotis selain suhu udara sejuk dan tanah yang subur kota ini juga terkenal dengan tanaman hiasnya dan beberapa festival seperti pesta bunga dan buah serta festival kebudayaan.

Jumat, 14 Januari 2011

Volcano Sibayak

the location is in high Karo is including active volcanic mountain located in the upper altitude of 2172 m above sea level. Climbing through the tropical jungle and cliffs full of challenges and at the top of the mountain stretch of the plains where there are camping. From the top of the mountain visible craters are still active issue magma and the beautiful scenery and charming. Distance from City Berastagi to the beginning of the climb from the village of Jaranguda 1.5 km from the village of King Berneh 15 Km. Lama is expected to climb approximately 2 to 3 hours
The mountain is not so difficult to climb even by a beginner though. Just as Mount Gede in West Java, this mountain is always crowded by local climbers night week. They usually start climbing at around 2:00 in the morning to get a view sun dipuncak published this mountain.
From the top of this mountain we could see a view of the city Field in the distance.
Factor condensation on the mountain is very high which causes the frequency of visible haze that clustered peak area.
wisata indonesia

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